Award winning author Paul Beckman is out with his latest collection of flash and micro-fiction Becoming Mirsky.
Author of KISS KISS (Truth Serum Press), 170 stories, and PEEK, a collection of 65 flash stories in 117 pages, Paul has is a master at the flash fiction genre and winner of 18 Pushcart Prizes. Paul's published his first short story collection in 2002: Come! Meet My Family and other stories.
Paul's work has been published in the following magazines amongst others: Literary Orphans, Journal of Microliterature, Spelk Fiction, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Yellow Mama, Blue Fifth Notebook, Boston Literary Magazine, Digging Through the Fat, Metazen, Flash Frontier, The Brooklyner, Playboy, The Connecticut Review, Pure Slush, Web del Sol, Exquisite Corpse, This Zine Will Change Your Life, Litro, Thrice Fiction, Blink-Ink, Raleigh Review, New Haven Review, Blue Lyra Review and others.

He recently had a collection of Flash and Micro Fiction published in print and online "Maybe I Ought to Sit In a Dark Room For a While" and continues to write and have his work published both in print and online.
Paul is pleased to have his work published in New Zealand, surprised to have it translated into two German anthologies of Humor by Jewish Writers and thrilled to have several of his short stories turned into plays. Additionally he's been published in Great Britain,Sweden, Prague, Canada, India and Australia.
Paul lives in a small shoreline town in Connecticut with his wife Sandra. Their blended family of five children has to date produced ten grandchildren.
In 1999, Paul received his MFA from Bennington College while working full time in the real estate business from which he now retired.
He has also been a restaurateur, bartender, pin setter, carpenter, Teamster, Air Traffic Controller, numbers runner, builder, butcher and paper boy amongst other callings in his life. Some of his passions are traveling, photography, snorkeling, diving and of course reading.
He is a member of PEN USA.
Quote on writing:
"Eavesdroping gives me a steady source of material."